The diplomat
At different stages of the Iranian nuclear dispute, a window toward
resolution has seemed to open up. For example, in 2003 Iran proposed
comprehensive negotiations with the Bush administration but the window
was quickly slammed shut due to the latter’s unwillingness to break the
old tradition of containing Iran. This position also effectively
prevented the pursuit of the diplomatic track until most of the UN
sanctions resolutions against Iran had been adopted.
Obama’s openness for negotiations created the first opportunity for
reaching a compromise deal in 2009. This time, however, the opportunity
was lost due to domestic pressures on the Iranian side. The result was
an increased determination in the West to continue with the sanctions
track—a determination which also prevented the P5+1 from seizing another
diplomatic opportunity offered to them by Turkish and Brazilian
mediators in 2010. In spring 2012 a dim light of hope again emerged
but soon faded away as discussions between Iran and the P5+1 only
seemed to confirm the incompatibility of the two sides’ positions.
Particularly since the latest round of discussions, there has been a
sense of surrender to the interpretation that there simply is no