martes, 21 de mayo de 2013

The new geopolitics of energy: conflict or cooperation?

Elizabeth Buchanan

“In the emerging international power system, we can expect the struggle over energy to override all other considerations” - Michael Klare[1]

Against the backdrop of depleting global energy reserves, a new geopolitical landscape is emerging, characterised by Petrostates utilising their natural resources as political commodities. This essay explores two avenues of countering the challenges posed by the new geopolitics of energy.  Will governments seek cooperation via collective energy security strategies? Or will the energy-poor nations instead opt to meet energy-rich Petrostates on the battlefield? To assess whether the new geopolitics of energy will result in conflict or cooperation, this essay examines Russia’s emerging energy superpower strategy, and provides a case study of the 2006 Russian-Ukrainian gas crisis.

Cannabis: La nueva historia germina en América Latina

Eduardo Vergara B.*

Las políticas prohibicionistas para controlar las drogas por medio de la fuerza pasaron a la historia como el mayor fracaso de una política en nuestra región. Al centro, y por la masividad de su consumo, el cannabis se transformó en la excusa perfecta para intentar controlar nuestra sociedad y ejecutar esta seguidilla de absurdos.

El consumo de cannabis, tanto para fines recreativos como terapéuticos, es masivo. En países como Uruguay y Chile, la prevalencia de consumo llega a 5,6% y 4,9% de la población total. En este último, las detenciones por ley de drogas, en gran parte relacionadas al cannabis, superaron las 85.000 en 2012. Por otro lado se encuentra la producción. Ya no podemos hablar de países productores y consumidores solamente, por la simple razón de que la producción puede tomar lugar en la tranquilidad de un hogar, ya que afortunadamente miles de personas han optado por el autocultivo como forma de reducir los daños asociados a la salud y la seguridad.

* Director de Asuntos del Sur y Observatorio Latinoamericano de Políticas de Drogas y Opinión Pública


Jürgen Habermas: Democracy, Solidarity And The European Crisis


The European Union owes its existence to the efforts of political elites who could count on the passive consent of their more or less indifferent populations as long as the peoples could regard the Union as also being in their economic interests, all things considered. The Union has legitimized itself in the eyes of the citizens primarily through its outcomes and not so much by the fact that it fulfilled the citizens’ political will. 

Juergen Habermas

This state of affairs is explained not only by the history of its origins but also by the legal constitution of this unique formation. The European Central Bank, the Commission, and the European Court of Justice have intervened most profoundly in the everyday lives of European citizens over the decades, even though these institutions are the least subject to democratic controls. 

Moreover, the European Council, which has energetically taken the initiative during the current crisis, is made up of heads of government whose role in the eyes of their citizens is to represent their respective national interests in distant Brussels. Finally, at least the European Parliament was supposed to construct a bridge between the political conflict of opinions in the national arenas and the momentous decisions taken in Brussels – but this bridge is almost devoid of traffic.

Desarrollo chileno atado a su liderazgo en el cobre

Marianela Jarroud

SANTIAGO, 21 may 2013 (IPS) - El liderazgo de Chile como primer productor mundial de cobre no está amenazado, pero el país tiene el reto de convertir la explotación del mineral en un capital social de largo plazo y atender los altos costos de la energía, que aumentaron siete veces en la última década, analizaron expertos para IPS.

“La ventaja comparativa, distinta a los indicadores de producción, está viéndose un poco amenazada por alzas de costos, principalmente en electricidad y los proveedores”, afirmó Rodrigo Balbontín, analista del Centro de Estudios del Cobre y la Minería (Cesco).

Con 36,3 por ciento de la cuota de mercado y 28 por ciento de las reservas del metal, Chile sigue siendo el principal productor mundial de cobre, nacionalizado en 1971 por el entonces presidente socialista Salvador Allende (1970-1973).

Are we on the cusp of a solar energy boom?

John Aziz
The Week

The total solar energy hitting Earth each year is equivalent to 12.2 trillion watt-hours. That's over 20,000 times more than the total energy all of humanity consumes each year. And yet photovoltaic solar panels, the instruments that convert solar radiation into electricity, produce only 0.7 percent of the energy the world uses. So what gives?
A newly opened solar power energy and storage plant in Spain.

For one, cost: The U.S. Department of Energy estimates an average cost of $156.90 per megawatt-hour for solar, while conventional coal costs an average of $99.60 per MW/h, nuclear costs an average of $112.70 per MW/h, and various forms of natural gas cost between $65.50 and $132 per MW/h. So from an economic standpoint, solar is still uncompetitive.

Asia's Currency War

Anthony Fensom

Global finance chiefs may have denounced it, but that has not stopped Japan joining other central banks in driving its exchange rate lower. With Australia and South Korea forced to respond, will the Asia-Pacific region be the main battleground in a global currency war?


At the latest Group of Seven (G7) meeting near London, the message from the seven industrialized nations’ finance officials was unequivocal: no currency manipulation by members.

Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said the G7 would continue its three-month-old pact “not to target exchange rates,” with the German and US finance ministers cautioning Japan over the weakening yen.


lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Soros versus Sinn: The German Question

Geroge Soros/ Hans-Werner Sinn
Project Syndicate

This illustration is by Paul Lachine and comes from <a href=""></a>, and is the property of the NewsArt organization and of its artist. Reproducing this image is a violation of copyright law.
Illustration by Paul Lachine
FRANKFURT – The euro crisis has already transformed the European Union from a voluntary association of equal states into a creditor-debtor relationship from which there is no easy escape. The creditors stand to lose large sums should a member state exit the monetary union, yet debtors are subjected to policies that deepen their depression, aggravate their debt burden, and perpetuate their subordinate position. As a result, the crisis is now threatening to destroy the EU itself. That would be a tragedy of historic proportions, which only German leadership can prevent.

The causes of the crisis cannot be properly understood without recognizing the euro’s fatal flaw: By creating an independent central bank, member countries have become indebted in a currency that they do not control. At first, both the authorities and market participants treated all government bonds as if they were riskless, creating a perverse incentive for banks to load up on the weaker bonds. When the Greek crisis raised the specter of default, financial markets reacted with a vengeance, relegating all heavily indebted eurozone members to the status of a Third World country over-extended in a foreign currency. Subsequently, the heavily indebted member countries were treated as if they were solely responsible for their misfortunes, and the structural defect of the euro remained uncorrected.

Irán, a favor de continuar lo antes posible las conversaciones con el Sexteto

Ria Novosti

Irán está a favor de continuar las negociaciones sobre su programa nuclear con el Sexteto de mediadores internacionales y rechaza cualquier interrupción en este proceso, declaró hoy el portavoz del Ministerio de Exteriores de la República Islámica, Ramin Mehmanparast.Reunión en Almaty (archivo)

“Irán espera que el proceso de negociación no tenga ninguna interrupción ni pausa y que, manteniendo el marco lógico de conversaciones y sobre la base del Tratado de No Proliferación Nuclear, podamos discutir las propuestas (para resolver el conflicto)”, manifestó el diplomático iraní.

Will the EU Kill China’s Solar Industry?

James Parker
The Diplomat

solar panels

Every few weeks, it seems, a new twist takes place in the drama of China’s solar industry.  The latest news, however, emerges not from Wuxi, home of Suntech Power, nor from Xinyu, home of LDK Solar. In fact, the threat comes from the Brussels in the European Union (EU).

According to recent media reports, the European Union Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht will recommend this coming Wednesday (May 8) that the bloc should slap massive punitive tariffs on Chinese solar panels. Reuters writes that such Tariffs would be proposed “to guard against Chinese production [capacity] that quadrupled between 2009 and 2011 to more than the entire global demand.”

Dólar vs. el resto

Alfredo Saiat

La cotización del dólar comercializado en el circuito marginal ha subido en lo que va del año 36 por ciento y desde el comienzo del nuevo régimen de administración y control de acceso a la moneda extranjera lo hizo en 96 por ciento. A lo largo de ese período los motivos expresados por analistas de la city para justificar el aumento han sido variados. La secuencia explicativa comenzó con que el dólar oficial estaba barato, continuó con los nervios de inversores ante la imposibilidad de ahorrar en divisas, luego con la dificultad para comprar dólares a la paridad oficial por parte de turistas al exterior, siguió con la merma estacional de la liquidación de dólares de exportación de soja, y ahora que esos mismos exportadores después de vender en el segmento oficial recompran en el paralelo.

How to destabilize the Assad regime

Elisa Massimino

In the wake of reports that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad allegedly used sarin, a chemical weapon, it appears that U.S. President Barack Obama is on the brink of providing the Syrian opposition with lethal weapons. But it certainly does not seem that the Obama administration pursued the full range of nonlethal options available, particularly those involving the international community. Here's an idea: To affect meaningful and decisive change in Syria, which is suffering from a humanitarian catastrophe, the international community should use all available diplomatic and economic leverage to choke off the arms, resources, and money flowing to the regime. 

A new Human Rights First report reveals that at least a dozen countries -- including Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Angola, Georgia, Lebanon, Cyprus, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates -- are continuing to provide the Assad regime with weapons, fuel, military technology, and access to financial markets. The paper provides both a unique overview of Assad's third-party supporters and a roadmap the U.S. government can follow to crack down on them. The U.S. government should use diplomacy to try to influence the countries providing these resources as well as the countries allowing these resources to pass through their jurisdiction. In addition, the U.S. Treasury should use existing authority under the Syria sanctions regime to designate those entities continuing to support the Assad regime and block them from the U.S. marketplace. 

Abbas, Netanyahu may hold impromptu Beijing meeting

Global Times

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with visiting Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas in Beijing on Monday, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Shanghai starting his official visit to China on the same day.

As there is a possibility that the two visiting leaders could meet in Beijing after diplomatic arrangements from China, experts say the overlapping trips are an indication that China could play a more important role in Middle Eastern affairs thanks to its growing influence in the region.

In his meeting with Abbas, Xi said China firmly supports the cause of the Palestinian people and tabled a four-point proposal for the settlement of the Palestinian question.